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  • Writer's picturekgehring2015

Firsts from a First Gen Abroad

My time here in Spain is coming to an end, so obviously I've been reminiscing on everything that has happened this semester. I always wanted to study abroad and see more of the world; and I did! I would be lying if I said I'm not a little sad to be leaving Granada. However, I want to look on the positive side and think about some of my “firsts” that I have had over the last four months!

Seeing the Mountains

I love being able to see the mountains everyday! One of my favorite things about Granada is randomly seeing the Sierra Nevada peeking over the buildings as you walk down a long, thin street.

Mirador San Nicolas

Seeing the Mediterranean Sea (and swimming in it)

I've never had the opportunity to visit the coasts in the US, so being able to see the Mediterranean Sea for the first time in Almuñécar, Spain was breathtaking. My favorite beach I've traveled to since then was in Nerja (top right picture)!

(Almuñecar, Nerja, Salobreña, Fuengirola)

Visiting Africa

During Semana Santa (Holy Week) I went with my program to Morocco. Sleeping in the Sahara Desert and riding a dromedary (aka one-humped camel) over the sand dunes were my favorite parts of the trip.

Sunrise on the dunes

Trying Spanish Food

Surprisingly, I never had Spanish food before coming to Spain since it's not that common where we live. Boy are we missing out! My two favorites are paella and toast with tomato! My host mom is a fantastic cook, so I’ve been able to try a lot of traditional Spanish meals.

(Tortilla española, paella, churros con chocolate, pan con tomate,

roscos -a traditional Semana Santa pastry, remojón granadino)

There is so much that I have done this semester! These were just a few highlights that come to mind when I think of firsts. I am so grateful for my time in Spain and I will never forget how lucky I am to have been able to have these firsts! On the bright side, there are still so many experiences to come!

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